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Whether delving into the complexities of human-environment interaction, societal dynamics, or social resilience, I approach my research projects with curiosity, empathy, and a genuine desire to make a difference. I thrive on capturing the essence of lived experiences.
2024. Young Adult Migrants’ Social Experiences in Sweden: ‘Melting Pot’ and ‘Salad Bowl’ Perspectives on Social Integration. Children & Society
2023. Researching Social Resilience in the Context of Migrants’ Life Transition: A Qualitative Methodological Mosaic. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics
2023. Conceptualizing social resilience in the context of migrants’ lived experiences. Geoforum
Dr. Julian Reid. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lapland. Oxytocin and its Role in Political and Social Life
Dr. Wendy Harcourt. Erasmus University, The Netherlands. Body Politics and Gender
Dr. Zeliha Öcek. Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU). Munich, Germany. Vulnerability and Social Resilience
Dr Kristina Göransson. Lund university, Sweden. Intensive Parenting and Raising Resilient Children
January 10, 2024. Denmark has banned the burning of holy books to protect its multicultural society.The Loop: ECPR’s Political Science Blog.
June 12, 2023. Unstructured Interviews – A Conversational Iceberg. Methodspace (SAGE).
Researchers and professionals’ perspectives and experiences can provide a great deal of theoretical and practical knowledge to conduct research.
Enjoy reading ABC of social resilience, followed by a list of 105 powerful keywords/actions used in this primer to characterize social resilience for all.
With detailed illustrations and instructions, learn to weave through the data, recognize patterns, and craft a narrative reflecting lived experiences.
Challenges Associated with Primary Education in Rural Punjab, Pakistan: Primary Education in Rural Punjab, Pakistan
Be qualitative: Lectures with illustrations
Research abstracts, reviews, and info-graphs
My Stance Articles for everyone
Books for everyone (Research Guide, Philosophy, Education, etc)